Monday, March 16, 2015

Hundreds of Years of Stuff

Let's start with a photo I took of the Yosemite Valley from the Tunnel Overlook. You can clearly see Half Dome in the center of the shot.

Here is a turn-of-the-last-century photo of the Yosemite Valley. It looks like this is taken from a little farther back from where the road and current overlook are. And Half Dome seems a little farther back.

We then went down near the Merced River for a view of Half Dome.

Back in 1865, the view was remarkably similar.

Who do you think had the most #1 albums in history? Hint: It wasn't the Beatles. Spoiler: It WAS the Beatles. I lied. You can read what the top 8 were in this story.

Remember that time you had an idea to build your own Star Wars Speeder Bike from a quadcopter and a Hasbro toy set? Oh, that wasn't you? Maybe I am thinking of this guy, since he posted a video of his creation and it flying through some trees.

Do you like Dolly Madison treats? You know, like Zingers and Chocolate Gems? That company is named for a real person; the wife of the fourth president of these here United States. And today is his birthday. One thing I learned today was that he was too sickly to actually fight during the Revolutionary War. Another was that he was 17 years older than his wife. You can learn a few other facts about him here. And yesterday was the birthday of the seventh president, Andrew Jackson. Yup, they have a facts page for him, too.

Do you like optical illusions? Even if you don't check out the painting below. Follow the bridge with your eye until it disappears and becomes ships on the sea. There are more in the article.

It took a while to find enough stuff to share today, so I am already out of time. Let's show a classic CoV and then head our separate ways. Tomorrow will be here soon enough.

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