Thursday, January 15, 2015

It's MY Monday

I came across a couple more weird quotes in the Kindle book I am reading (remember the strange stuff from last time?). One says, "It was still an odd concept for Justin to apprehend." Another is, "'Today, there is an art show,' Ashley said out of know where, as if she intuitively knew the information." The author must not be a native speaker, right?

Look at all the gables in this house. Why, there must be, I don't know, seven of them. We could call this The House of the Seven Gables.

Now, while I knew enough about the above photo to make clever quips, I am not sure which bridge this is, but I would have liked a little more water in the river below.

And we will end with a shot that shows just how happy I am when I am on the other side of the lens. No, I cannot remember where this is, either.

Do you make your own salads or do you buy the bagged stuff. I won't tell you which one I do, but I will give you a hint. I don't make my own. So, when I saw this story about the best way to buy bagged salads and keep them fresh, I had to read it. The most surprising fact is to 'Store the mix in a different container'.

What other foods should you keep in your fridge (at least according to Yahoo)? You can see them listed here, including avocados and chickpeas.

Would you like it if Patrick Stewart sat next to you on a flight? What if he at a smelly tuna fish sandwich? Well, Jimmy Kimmel had Patrick act out that scenario.

On our new program last night, they demonstrated this Google Translate feature and it was unbelievable. They just focused the camera on a sign in German and I saw the sign in English. I truly cannot believe that exists in my lifetime.

If you HAD to pick one of these images to hang in your house, which would you choose?

I think I would choose either the dreamy lake with the sailboat (its gray color could blend with any wall or decor color) or the purple flower (hmm. Both are slightly out-of-focus.  What does that say about me)?

I am back at work starting this morning. I do not feel 100%, but I don't want to stay home anymore. I've got lots of stuff to catch up on. While I have actually been sick, it does not mean I shouldn't remember a comic from 2009 about those who "say" they are working from home.

I found a video that will likely not be news to SS and his Disneyfied family. It is a secret path near the Harbor Galley and it looks nice. I will check it out next time I am there. There is also a hidden ship in New Orleans Square.

Did you hear that they found an 1882 Winchester just leaning against a tree in a NV national park? Sorry, Preacher Bro. It is not  "a genuine Hawkin".

And that should do it for today. I was talking about in today's post, but maybe I've worked enough for today already? I have been here for almost an hour. That should count for something. Have a great pre-Friday.

1 comment:

Keith said...

That Winchester is cool as all get-out! I live right here in Nevada and hadn't heard anything about it!
Thanks for the link.
Watch yer topknot.