Tuesday, January 20, 2015

It's My Marvelous Monday

Hey, family. Remember that time we decided we wanted a campfire and went out and tore down some trees with our bare hands? Good times.

And we came across a lady who tried to stop us, but one of my nephews threatened her and she gave in.

While we were gathering wood, one of us decided he didn't want to wait to eat. We told him it would be better roasted, but....

Did you have yesterday off work for MLK Day? I never did before working at my current company, but I do now. So, we kept the GRANDS on Sunday night, and then hit Mickey D's for lunch and playground yesterday. We had a good time. Then, on the way home, we went to Dunkin Donuts for dessert.

I missed a Chorale concert on Sunday evening because I am still suffering some after-effects from that stinking pneumonia. I cannot breathe deep yet, and certainly not enough to sing. I need to make a decision about practice tonight.

Is a pickup truck a 'passenger vehicle'? An HOA in upstate New York says no and is suing a homeowner for parking one in his driveway. The HOA claims to own all driveways is only allows passenger vehicles to park in them. Read the dumb details here.

Do you ever struggle to pay attention in some of the meetings at work? Yeah, me too.

This article purports to show you how your favorite apps might look on your brand new Apple Watch. However, with apps like uber and foursquare and iBeacons, it is not necessarily your favorite apps. Still, the navigation one and the to-do lists show there are some real possibilities.

Are you going to watch the State of the Union address tonight? No? Will you record it and watch it later? No? Will you check the full speech out tomorrow online or in the newspaper? No? Will you check out the highlights via twitter or drudgereport tomorrow or fairly soon? No? Then how do you stay informed? I will check out the key elements somewhere online tomorrow, but I will not watch it (except maybe for a couple of snippets they will likely show on my evening newscast).

Remember that commercial with the dude singing about freecreditreport.com? It turns out that he is not really the singer. His French-Canadian accent was too strong, so the overdubbed his voice, but kept him as the actor. Learn about him, the Verizon 'can you hear me now' dude, Allstate's Mr. Mayhem (Dean Winters, who actually died in an operation once), and others in this article from Yahoo.

Look at the photo for sale on Etsy. First is the photo as it looked straight out of the camera with no edits applied.

And now with some grunge effects applied by the photographer.

Which one would you pick to hang on your walls? The grunge does sort of reduce the feel of the shot down to its basic colors, but I like the smoothness of the water in the original. I might like it a little more golden in tone (closer to the grunge version). Anyway, interesting stuff (at least, to me).

I need to get today started since I did not work yesterday because I was playing with the GRANDS. How about you? Read to move into the second half of January. Let's go.

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