Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Time For a New Church?

Well, on Sunday afternoon, the pastors and I agreed that it is time for them to look for a full-time music person. As long as I am there, the church is content to let me stay in the position. However, it is time to start working on Christmas music, so I would like to have either stayed through the season or leave now and let the acting music leader (one of the two pastors) pick and prepare the musical. So, this coming Sunday is my last at Light In The Desert. It is a bittersweet feeling, although not so bitter that I want to become their music minister. Luckily, I still have the Tuesday night Chorale for my singing fix.

Now, Kathie and I need to look for a church to attend. The Baptist church we attended for years is looking for a pastor, and the Nazarene church we went to during 2005 has decided not to have a choir anymore. So, we will begin the search in a couple of weeks. You can pray that God will show us where we can worship and participate.


The Grandparents said...

As you know, we totally understand how you both are feeling. We will be praying with you and for you in this decision and search. God has led you pretty good so far, so we are content to leave you in His capable hands. Love , COG

Caleb said...

We'll let you lead our music! We'll pray for you.

Auntie Eisel said...

Hey, I hear there is a church in Nevada with a GREAT pastor. Maybe you should try there!