Saturday, September 23, 2006

Elementary, My Dear Watson

Well, I don't know what Watson would have thought, but two classrooms were vandalized at Kathie's school. One of them was hers. We got a call at 9:30 or so saying we needed to come to the school. The rooms are ugly and vulgar, but it could have been much worse. There was a mess of us amateur CSI-types there waiting on the police, so I took my photos and reviewed the crime scene. Here are a couple of them.

I will not be posting those with crude remarks about students (as if swatikas weren't bad enough)

The police arrived at around 11. It certainly makes the teachers a little more leery of working off-hours. In my estimation, based on the way the shaving creme was drying, it occurred around 5am today. Some teachers got there at 5:45am for a sports field event, so I think the vandals were interrupted or it could have been much worse. I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express in the past. And I do watch all 3 CSI shows each week.

Luckily, no destructive vandalism was involved, so it will mostly be a cleanup effort. We are glad that the cleaning team found it today instead of Monday morning when nothing could have been done before students arrived.


Alison said...

That is so awful. I am glad it could all be cleaned up though.

Auntie Eisel said...

Wow, that is a bummer. I'm glad things are okay though.

Caleb said...

Holy Moly! That's terrible. Good thing you watch CSI.

Katie80 said...

Fingerprinting could be futile, but I wonder if a handwriting analysis could be done on the MJ statement?

Brenda Walker said...

You should have called me, I watch criminal minds and have become quite the criminal profiling expert. I would say you are looking for some punk kids who want attention! You should probably let the police know that a criminal profiler to you this!