Thursday, September 14, 2006

All-ee All-ee In Come Free

Hey! Where did everybody go? Most importantly, where did Bella go?

Hmm. It seems that Kyle had a vision conference in Las Vegas this week. Lyndsay did not really want to have Isabella in that noisy, smoky environment all week, so they flew up to Indiana to visit Courtney. Now, the folks are heading up to Alaska. And Kathie decided to go.... No, not really. Kathie's still here, but all them others did leave. Nobody left to go to my last Sunday at Light In The Desert. Oh well.

Crazy week. How about y'all?


Caleb said...

Pretty crazy week. We did school on Labor Day so we get to bail out of this crazy week early and get to go camping tomorrow. Sorry that everyone left you.

Katie80 said...

My week was relatively un-crazy. Do you ever have those weird moments where you miss not having (getting) to go to work? It's crazy how great it is to have a day off in the middle of the week! :)
Hope you get your Bella fix soon!