Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Desert and Dessert

An author on cheatsheet.com had quite a challenge. He wanted to select the 10 best Beatles songs of all time. What selection criteria would be important? #1 hits? Most radio airplay? Best selling singles? He did not share how he decided, but take a look at his list and see if you agree. He does, at least, share a little about each song that seemed important to him. He also lists them in chronological order, so he has not had to decide if #2 on his list is better than #6 on his list.

I came across several HDR desert photos and decided to pick a few and see which one appeals most to your artistic side. I want to pick #3, but its just too much red. I guess I will pick #4 and then #5.

Hey, what happened 50 years ago that has impacted every one of us? It started first in Missouri then Kansas, and spread from there. Have you guessed? It was Eisenhower approving the Interstate Highway System. Yeah, Interstates are only 50 years old. See, that has changed the way all of us travel. I don't know that businesses along Route 66 liked it too much, though.

Check out this tweet (a tweet is a message sent via Twitter).

OK, I liked this one, too.

When was the last time you had some delicious Raspberry Oatmeal Cookie Bars? I don't know that I have ever tried them, but it sounds interesting. I like raspberries. I like oatmeal. I like cookies. I like bars.

Here is an inanimate object that looks wasted.

"Hey, everyone. Look at this beautiful scenery."

"No time. We are doing important stuff on our phones. Can you just text us a photo?"

"They won't let me come over and play with them."

Time is over for posting. Time is just right for reading. So, I'll stop and you start. See you soon.

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