Friday, September 25, 2015

Medical Procedures and Miscellaneous Links and a Nice Sunset

MBH is sick with the flu. I know she got the flu shot this year, so maybe it is a different strain? Anyway, she went to the doc and the prescription they gave her costs $160 without insurance and $130 with insurance. That's is crazy. No, we did not fill it.

I went in for a root canal today and also a crown on another tooth. The procedures took three hours. Whew, The doc gave me a scrip for pain medicine, but said to try ibuprofen first, so I did not fill it and am using ibuprofen. So far, it is a really low-grade pain, so that is good.

The procedure took three hours. As you can imagine, my mouth was tired from staying open that long, plus the (still ongoing) pain of the work itself.

TD did not go to the doctor or the dentist and received no prescriptions today. What is wrong with her?

No one went to the eye doctor, but I did find an article about the history of the eye chart. Well, more technically, it is about the typographic history of the eye chart. Are they accurate? I'm not sure. I did find it interesting that they now have charts that let illiterate people evaluate their vision, or maybe kids that don't know the alphabet, or people whose native language is not based on our character set.

According to, Rolling Stone magazine published of the 50 greatest songs by boy bands. Hanson is not included. Neither is Boyz II Men. Jackson 5 landed on #1 for I Want You Back. The Monkees made an appearance for I'm a Believer. N'Sync is in there, of course.

Why didn't people smile in the early days of photography? There could be many reasons. Was it because they didn't have Novocaine yet for their dental work, so no one had any done? What is your best guess? I thought it was because of the long exposure times, but that doesn't seem as likely as other options.

Remember that time you and your buddies were sitting around wondering how space it would take for solar panels if we wanted to power everything in the world? No? Well, maybe it wasn't you then. Anyway, someone did the math. It is actually less than I would have guessed.

Was it you that I heard querying what the most beautiful place was in each state? If it was, your curiosity can now be satisfied. Thirillist answers that question in this article. If you look at some of the locations in the article, you will wonder why some of the states are less visited than others. Here is the list of the 12 least visited states. How many of them have you seen?

Our multi-church choir sang at a local community's Constitution Days last week. Here is a replica Liberty Bell with an inflatable of Capitol and a beautiful sunset in the background.

As seems to happen everyday, our time together comes to an end. We will have more fun next week. I promise.

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