Thursday, September 17, 2015

It's My Friday

First, I have a medical update for you. I have an infected salivary gland. When I first noticed it on Tuesday night, it had been a while since I ate and it didn’t hurt much. I did not eat breakfast Wednesday morning and then I worked through lunch, so I still had not eaten. I did eat last night and OUCH. My face swelled up and it really hurt (throbbing). It is down again this morning, so it swells and hurts when I eat and it needs to manufactures saliva. I also need a root canal on the right side. So, I cannot chew on the right side, and my cheek swells and hurts on the left side. Yeah, eating the next few days will be interesting.

Did you watch the Republican debate last night? I did not, but I think my folks did. Anyway, it is a big topic in today's news feeds on Yahoo. One said "The Longest Debate ... (The Longest Yawn)". Also big in today's news feeds is that 14-year-old student in TX that was arrested for bringing a homemade bombs to school. I do think that seems a little extreme. No, a LOT extreme.

I have mentioned the durian fruit before, but it has been a while. Anyway, Yahoo has a video of people trying this "smelliest fruit in the world" for the first time [Warning: bleeped-out swear words]. I remember the first (and only) time that I tried it. I did manage to swallow that bite, but did not have any more. Beyond the smell, I didn't like the weird, mushy texture.

Not much else in Yahoo today. And I don't feel like creating a Clarity of Vision comic. I can put up a couple of photos from the Old West town visit we made last weekend.

I will not be posting for the next couple of days. I am going to a funeral for my cousin, Lewis. He was only one year older than me. That really makes you want to appreciate everything in your life right now. Here is my last photo of Lewis when we visited at the family reunion. He's the guy with the gray hair. See you Monday.

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