Thursday, May 14, 2015

Short and Fairly Sweet

Today, I am revisiting a set of shots based on the same sailboat that was featured yesterday. I took a series as the boat sailed away from me, but the photo I previously shared was closest to my original vision. Even so, I like this group because you can watch the boat as it moves away and gets smaller.

You've seen me post a lot of photos over the years. Some have been straight out of the camera, some have been retouched a little, and others have been manipulated quite a bit. By now, you are thinking you can tell a Photoshopped photo from one that is not. Adobe has a quiz for you. See how well you can really tell. I only got 16 of 25 correct.

Today's quote from my Page-A-Day calendar:
Family Feud host: Something that makes you feel uneasy all day if you forget to do it in the morning.
Contestant: Get dressed.

I cannot believe I didn't share this before. I saw the notice the other day that this is Palindrome Week. Every day from 5/10 through 5/19 is a palindrome. Today is 5/14/15.

Here's a photo of the real Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin from around 1925.

Here's the real Clarity of Vision from around 6:30am.

And here's the real end of today's blog post because I am not finding much fun stuff to share. Buh-dee-ah, buh-dee-ah, that's all, folks.

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