Tuesday, May 19, 2015

3 Out of 880,000,000,000 Photos

For some reason, I have been craving BBQ recently. Imagine my joy to find that I can make a tasty homemade BBQ sauce with only two ingredients. I lean towards ketchup and Dr. Pepper, but your mileage may vary. Read about it on Yahoo. Imagine my disappointment, though, to find out I would have to cook it myself.

Sometimes you just need a bright, rainbow-colored brunch. Maybe you had a hard week, maybe you’re celebrating, whatever the reason, these Fruity Pebble pancakes are for you! I am not much into Fruity Pebbles, though, so I will pass.

Which browser do you prefer? I am most often using Chrome. So, I was super-pumped when I found out I could add Guy Fieri to every screen displayed. See some examples here and you can enjoy 24x7 Triple-D.

We went into the Point Loma lighthouse while we were there, and it has a tall, narrow staircase. I captured a photo of MBH climbing ahead of me.

Turned out that the top is not open, so I stuck my camera up through the wire separator and caught a shot of the light (actually, this is the Fresnel lens).

While I was up there, I also caught a shot of the staircase looking down. This definitely makes a cooler image. It is like some kind of eye (like Sauron in Lord of the Rings?).

Let me introduce this next story with the comment, "What? There are 27 flavors?" That said, Yahoo tasted and ranked all 27 flavors of Pop-Tarts. Their lowest rated flavor was Unfrosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon. And even the Frosted one was only placed as #25. I guess this guy is not a brown sugar or cinnamon aficionado, I did not even know his top 5 existed. And #21 Confetti Cupcake? Who'd'a thunk it.

Want some trivia about the Dick Van Dyke Show? There's a bunch here, but let's see some teasers. They considered Johnny Carson for the lead. It was the last major TV show to film the entire series in black and white.

And check out THIS trivia. "Every 2 minutes, we take as many photos as all of humanity took during the entire 1800s. The first photograph ever was taken in 1826, and it's estimated that 880 billion photos will be taken in 2014. Actually, 10% of all photos ever were taken in the last 12 months."

Have you ever heard of the Internet of Things? Get used to it, because it is already all around you. I even mentioned internet-connected socks in a recent Clarity of Vision.

Is it only Tuesday? Ughh. Oh well, let's get 'er done.

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