Friday, February 13, 2015

*Cough* *Cough* No, Dear, the Disney Trip WAS Your Valentine's Gift

I finally loaded our Disneyland photos onto the computer. In my memory, it seems like there was a larger sign by the road pointing towards the entrance to the park. However, I guess this still gets the point across.

And the newest land in either park is Cars Land. The Racers ride is totally amazing.

And one of the rides in Cars Land is already closing (on 2/16/15). Luigi's Tire Ride is making way for a bumper cars-style ride (or so I have heard). So, we had to ride it while we could.

The tires float on air and you must steer them by leaning your bodies in the direction you want to move.

Any coughing stuff going on at your workplace? Hearing the dude in the next cubicle made me think he should go home, and that led me to wonder how to use a cough to go home early.

On my 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said calendar for today, it has a quote from the book Fifty Shades of Grey (whose movie opened yesterday. Will you go see it?). If this quote shows the types of similes and verbal banter that are in the movie, it could be very entertaining.
"'Are you ready?' He mewled, smirking at me like a mother hamster about to eat her three-legged young."

The song that was in my head when I awoke this morning included the lyrics "There shall be wars and rumors or wars. Nation will rise against nation." Does that sound familiar? I searched the interweb and did not find what church choir song that was. Let me know if you know.

This weekend is Valentine's Day. Do you have something for your better half (if you are in the northeast, that may be a challenge)? We took a trip to Disneyland earlier this week, so that is our gift to each other this year. An artist dude, though, took the Disney experience to the next level. He painted his girlfriend into a bunch of classic Disney movie scenes. Go look at the examples. I am not so talented.

Don't you wish that you had known years ago that smiling could cause wrinkles? Wouldn't you have stopped smiling at age 15 (when, of course, you stop smiling anyway) so you could look better at age 65? This Yahoo article notes that avoiding smiling will not totally do away with wrinkles, but it does mention a woman who has not smiled in 40 years. For me, I like smiling and will likely continue it.

Are you one of those people who still watch commercials? I admit I only suffer through them when I am watching something On Demand. That being said, I did know of all the people mentioned in this article talking about who actually plays some of the famous commercial characters such as Flo from Progressive and the Old Spice Guy.

As you may have noticed, there were some links I wanted to share today. Have a nice weekend, a good Valentine's Day, a worshipful Sunday, and a Relaxing President's Day. Next week will be here soon enough.

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