Tuesday, December 30, 2014

One Day Left in 2014

I had a worrisome moment last night when Dad called. "Uh Oh, what could be up?" Luckily, he was calling to recommend that I watch or record a TV program he and Mom were enjoying. Have you ever seen (or heard of) It Takes a Choir on the USA Network? We did watch the final episode of the night and it was interesting. The director is kind of a motivational speaker/team builder that uses music instead of the spoken word.

We are down to tomorrow being the last day of the year. How has it gone? Did you reach the goals you set at the beginning of the year? Did you enjoy life like you could? I hope so. We had a good year.

Have you ever conjectured who would win in a battle between Star Trek tech and Star Wars tech? Wonder no more. And while we are on a Star Wars-related kick, check out this clever remake of the trailer for the newest movie, The Force Awakens. They actually did a good job.

Let's enjoy a few more holiday pics before we move on. All were captured during the annual Christmas brunch we saw yesterday.

Salvador Dali Christmas cards from 1960, anyone? They apparently enraged the public when these were first released. Even now, some of them are a bit disturbing.

Sometimes, photo angles can be awkward and change the look and feel of a picture. However, sometimes, you WANT that oddity, that distortion. Here are some funny shots where what you see is not what you get. Here is an example.

Here is an interesting visualization demonstrating global warming. They have shown where temperature anomalies have occurred from 1964 to 2013.

No ideas popped into my head for a new Clarity of Vision, so I will go back to my creative past. Way back to 2009. I bring forward one that still works in today's political climate.

I do have a few more links saved up, but I think I will save them for another day. Maybe even another year (if I don't them tomorrow). So, go enjoy the penultimate day of 2014.

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