Friday, December 12, 2014

A Soupcon of Stuff That Satisfies

We'll start today's photo review with one of SS and D-I-L and her bro and S-I-L and mother. Actually, it was a photo of the kids and the mom did a little photobomb.

She might have gotten the idea of photobombing from her S-I-L, SS. Here he is crashing a shot of M-I-L's sister, and her hubby and son.

No one snuck into this picture of MBH and our two granddaughters. I'm glad. It is a nice shot.

Did any of your kids ever ask you, "Why is the sky blue?" Mine may have, although I cannot actually remember. Just in case yours may be asking that now, or if you want to know the answer for yourself, watch this and you will learn something.

Did any of your kids ever ask you, "Does the Grand Canyon ever fill up with clouds?" No, of course not. No one would ask that. It never happens. Well, I mean, not that often. Well, I mean, not until yesterday...and last year...and every few years. Anyway, it makes for dramatic photos.

Do you like Les Miserables (the musical, not the book, although I liked that, too)? Would you like to see a Christmas parody of the song "One Day More"? Yes, you would, so check it on youtube.

What led me to the Les Miz video above was a link I found to Christmas songs played on iPads and iPhones. You should give this a listen. It is really creative. It is a group at that same church.

We are coming up on the Christmas season really soon. Does that make you think back to Christmases past? Hearing Frank Sinatra sing Christmas Memories certainly made me remember the fun times with grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins at my paternal grandparent's house. We'd all gather in the living room (30+ of us?), sit with our family and listen to Granddad read the Christmas story from Luke. Next would come Christmas songs (us kids thought they would NEVER end). Next, the youngest GRANDS would hand out the gifts. Finally, we'd get to open stuff. That is a pleasant memory. What do you remember about your traditions?

And Christmas thoughts bring me to a Christmas-themed Clarity of Vision. This is the one I intended to write yesterday morning when I got distracted by a newer idea.

Do you like to see other people fail at something you just know that you would also fail at? Check out CraftFail for some inspiration photos and photos of what the result actually looks like when Robyn tries to duplicate the inspiration.

Today's post includes a nice, balanced mix of words and pictures. DO NOT expect this everyday. I reserve the right to decide what to share and when. Actually, this would have been a normal, more-text-than-show post until I came across the Grand Canyon photos that intrigued me. Plus, did you have to look up the word soupcon in the title. Why do I even have that word in my head? I don't think that I have ever used it before. Have a Fantabulous Friday and a restful weekend.

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