Thursday, March 27, 2014

Did You Survive Another Day?

It is Wednesday night and we just got back from watching Survivor at the folk's. Does your browser ever slow down and you have to clear the cookies and links in your cache? Isn't that a funny word?

These are some strong girls, aren't they? Notice KNW posing on the right even while she is bending the bars.

And now, the boy gets in the act.

I saw this article a few days ago on Yahoo. Why don't I have this kind of job?

And how about this? Wouldn't you like to have one for your stuff at home? :Honey, please put away the clothes I just folded for you." "OK, dear. <boop> Done."

With that, I have shared everything I choose to share for today. I release you from any obligation to sit here and suffer through my mental meanderings. Go forth and be productive.

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