Thursday, December 26, 2013

O Christmas Three, O Christmas Three

I hope you had a Merry Christmas. We did.

Wait. What did he just say? O Christmas Three, not Tree? Time for three Christmas photos, right?

I am thinking we do not have enough gifts here. How about you?

I am thinking we do not have enough food here. How about you?

I am thinking their food looks like a lot more fun than mine. How about you?

I am thinking we can learn something from movies that we see. How about you?

As you might surmise by the fact that there is a new blog post today, I am indeed at work. Well, by the time you read this, I will be. Right now, it is still Christmas evening and I am watching an episode of Sleepy Hollow. We watched some of A Christmas Story. Did yo catch any of it this year? I truly has become a classic.

[PC Thursday (Post-Christmas)] Man, it is quiet in the office. Sure, it is still early, but there were only 8 cars in the parking lot when I came in, instead of the normal 14-16. And the commute was really light. And there were only 8 messages in my inbox. I expect it to stay quiet through the day. Are any of you having to work today? I know a lot of people are taking today and tomorrow off so there weekend can be reallly long. I don't blame you, but I want to save my days for the annual Spring and Fall breaks. Plus, we hit Disneyland a couple of weeks ago and that cost me three days of vacay.

One thing I want to do during the holidays is catch a movie or two. There are several we want to see, so we just need to check our schedule against movie times and see which times work. I want to see Anchorman 2, Hunger Games 2, Hobbit 2, Thor 2, maybe Walter Mitty, Saving Mr Banks. Movies I did not see this year, but thought they looked interesting: Lincoln, Oz (because I read most of the original books), Burt Wonderstone, Man of Steel, Despicable Me 2, Wolverine 2, Gravity, Captain Phillips. How did I remember all those names? I checked out this site which lists the movies released during the year.

Did I dump too much info on you for the day after a holiday? Probably, but maybe this is the beginning of a list-type post for the end of 2013. Or maybe not since I am not sure what others lists I have. For today, though, we've shared enough. Go enjoy your day off or your nice, slow workday, or whatever is on tap. I need to knock out a couple of emails around 8am, so I will post this and get going.

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