Friday, December 20, 2013

Last Friday Before Christmas

Our PM Holiday party went well and we had a good time. It seemed almost everyone tried at least one piece of the Beyond Meat Buffalo Wings, and most liked them. They still left enough for us vegan types. I ended up with a travel mug and cocoa, tea and caramel coffee mixes.

ZooLights is still going on, but here is a shot I lucked out to capture at ZooLights six years ago.

The colors in that photo remind me of the nice colors I captured on the Riverwalk in San Antonio a few years ago.

I do not have a clever transition from photos to CoV, so let's just look at it.

GRANDS are spending Sunday night with us. Before that, though, we are having a b-day celebration for middle GRAND on Saturday. Before that, though, I have to make it through another workday. Boo. Those other things sound more fun, right?

Do any of you still watch Saturday Night live (SNL)? Back in the day (whenever that means), we stopped, but have been watching again for the last few years. Anyway, we like Taran Killam. Can you guess which of his characters he likes the most? This will let you know and show you one of the skits. They are funny.

We only watch(ed) two of the top five, and one of the bottom five TV programs from this story. How about you?

In checking my notes for the blog, I don't find anything queued up for use, so unless I think of something else to say before I end this paragraph, I will let you get your weekend on.

Nope. Nothing. Have a great weekend and I'll visit with you soon.

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