Tuesday, October 01, 2013

It Was Extremely Uneventful

And that's a good thing. We hardly had any calls about the new degree programs yesterday and yet, some people did start signing up. So it seems like we got everything set up correctly. The next release of tools comes Oct 21 when I.T. is supposed to deliver some stuff. I hope that is equally unremarkable.

What was remarkable, at least back in the day, was the old Universal monster movies. I decided to stay with that theme for another day of Clarity of Vision comics.

Sure, I am still staying with the vegan diet for now, but this is going too far.

I may join the Disney for Christmas crew. We are working the details now. It will be my first time to experience Cars Land.

[Tuesday tease] I see that the government decided to shut down. All of you who are surprised, raise your hand. Yeah, I do NOT see any hands up. Maybe that means they will not collect any income tax during the days when they are closed?

I know that we watched the series finales of Dexter and Breaking Bad recently. There may have been others this season, but I cannot think of any. Either way, that piqued my interest when I saw this article on Yahoo. How many of them did you see? I was certainly tuned in when the #1 finale was broadcast.

BTW, be sure to check out the link in the comments from yesterday. That girl can sing, although hearing the maturity of her voice is a little weird.

It's that time again. You know. The time, when I say "OK, supervisor in da hizzle". I'll be back in 24-ish hours.

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