Friday, October 25, 2013

And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain

This special project to which I was assigned is coming to an end. Several of the PMs from other orgs were brought in to help with the phase just ending. Future phases will be led by the business PMs, so the rest of us go back to our regular jobs. Boo. This has been really interesting and exciting. I wonder if it is anything like the emotions Ex-NZ Niece faced in coming back to her US-based job?

Sure, I have a 401(k) at work, but I also have an IRA from previous 401(k)'s at other companies. Do you? Are you funding your 401(k) even though it is years before you retire? Read this to make sure you don't want to save those funds in a Roth IRA. I think it is too late for me. Save yourself! Salesman Son, start preparing now so you are better set for retirement than I am.

Let's mess with the natural order of things. Today, we will look at photos before I show today's (actually from four years ago) Clarity of Vision.

As we drove down the backroads of CO 10, I am constantly on the lookout for interesting shots. I liked this one, and as often happens, I have seen the exact same shot before and taken it in years past.

It was a nice, sunny day when we were doing our drive that day. That sounds like a starting sentence in a bad novel, doesn't it? Anyway, I sometimes like to include the sun in a corner of the photo.

Speaking of taking the same shot in different trips, we have also eaten at this spot for our picnic lunch before. Stealey Mountain Trailhead, in case you are ever in the area and looking for a nice spot.

I don't know where I would use this Photoshop technique, but it looks like it could create a cool effect.

As I mentioned above, we are again seeing a CoV from the past. Bitstrips is still not working. And they are not responding to my emails. We are up to my original comic #3.

Check out some examples of "honest" slogans this dude has come up with. Pretty clever.

He got this one right. That is exactly what we do with any of those books delivered to our house.

It's true, they do have a lot of surcharges.

OK, it is time to get Friday started so i can get Friday over with. Y'all have a great weekend and come back on Monday ready to start it all over again.

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