Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lotsa Yellow Quotes Today

From Wednesday's 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said calendar:
A person carrying on an employment business shall not request or directly or indirectly receive and fee from a second person for providing services (whether by the provision of information or otherwise) for the purposes of finding or seeking to find a third person, with a view to the second person becoming employed by the first person and acting for and under the control of the third person.
the Employment Relations Act 1999, the Department for Trade and Industry (UK)

I just noticed that yesterday was Administrative Assistant's Day. How do I know? Check out the Bad Jokes calendar entry:
A large corporation hired several cannibals. “You are all part of our team now,” said the Human Resources rep during the welcoming briefing. “You get all the usual benefits and you can go to the cafeteria for something to eat, but please do not eat any of the other employees.” The cannibals promised that they would not.

Four weeks later their boss remarked, “You're all working very hard, and you seem to have assimilated well into our work environment. However, one of our secretaries has recently disappeared. Do any of you know what happened to her?” The cannibals all said that they didn't know anything.

After their boss left, one of the cannibals turned to the others and barked, “Which of you idiots ate the secretary?” A hand rose hesitantly, to which the first cannibal replied, “You fool! Four weeks we've been eating managers and no one noticed anything, and then you had to go and eat someone important!”

Have you seen the original Ghostbusters movie? The first encounter that the team has with a ghost is in the New York Public Library. You remember, with the floating lady that shushes them, and then turns into a demon and flies toward them? Here is a shot of the exterior from our visit last month.

Read any good books lately? According to Mark Twain, this author will never be among the top novelists on people's lists.
Leave me now deceptive demon of deluded mockery; lurk no more around the vale of vanity, like a vindictive viper; strike the lyre of living deception to the strains of full deadness, despair and doubt.
novelist Amanda McKittrick Ros (considered by Mark Twain to be the worst novelist ever) in her book Irene Iddesleigh

Do we really need to know that the physics around an actual lightsaber would mean instant death to both the victor and loser in a duel? No, we do not. And as the article notes, maybe it would work differently in a world where The Force helps control things.

What creature do you think of as a national symbol of the USA? The bald eagle, most likely. And I would agree. However, Congress has passed legislation, the National Bison Legacy Act, which names the hoofed beast as a “historical symbol of the United States” and establishes it as the nation’s landmark mammal. If the Senate and the President agree, the bison will join the bald eagle as an official symbol of the country. One thing not mentioned in the article is the difference between the bison and the buffalo. Do you know what it is?

You might suspect that a Camry tricked out as a funny car might be faster than a stock Camry. That is true, but the video in this article shows just how much faster that is. I think one of those passed me during my commute this morning, but maybe not since I don't think he was doing over 300mph at the time.

Did you notice I did not post yesterday? Sorry about that. I had a dentist appointment first thing in the morning, so by the time I finished that, it was too late to generate a new post. I'm back today, though. Doesn't that count for something? I also did not share a Clarity of Vision comic yesterday, but I found one from June, 2010, that I updated a little.

The family reunion of my parents, aunts and uncles has been moved to May this year, so MBH and I will not be attending. Too bad. We do have a good time seeing family. My folks, siblings and families will be having our own reunion later this year, so that will really be fun.

Until then, though, M-F are workdays, and I am still working for the man. So, I am outta here. Back soon.

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