Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Images Worth 1000 Words, So I Didn't Add Many of My Own

Today's 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said calendar entry actually had me looking to the interweb to understand it. OK, first, take a look at the calendar entry. "Prison-bound Beavers Seeking Federal Help - Chicago Tribune" Does that make any sense to you? Why are there beavers going to prison and why/how could they request federal help? So, I Googled that whole phrase. It turns out that County Commissioner William Beavers was convicted on tax-evasion charges and wants a federal review of the charges. Yeah, not quite as funny as seeing only the headline.

Here's a comment from Bad Pun Dog:

Here's some chalk art:

Here's a Snapchat Worth Saving:

A new CoV:

A new Bumper Snicker:

On this defaced sign, it took several looks before I understood it. Note that the Gaelic (or whatever language that is) does not play into the clever defacing.

Another defaced sign for your viewing pleasure:

The last three 'late For Work' excuses from the article AI have been pulling from:
All of my clothes were stolen.
I was confused by the time change and unsure if it was "spring forward" or "fall back."
A Vaseline truck overturned on the highway and cars were slipping left and right.

That's all she wrote for today. It's Terrific Tuesday, and I hope yours is just that.

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