Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Just Enter '123456' To Login

No, this is not a photo of my den. It is also not a photo of a furniture store that only seems to stock one single option in recliners. It is a photo of the theater where our department from work went to see the newest Star Wars flick.

Here are a bunch of us kicking back and getting ready for the show. Looks comfy, right? It was.

During our trip this weekend, we visited an antique store. I didn't buy anything, but I did see a painting that i wanted to remember as inspiration for a treatment for a photo. I'm talking about the big one with the trees, not the flag motif in the lower right.

Another thing we did during the visit to the mountains was build a snowman like Olaf from Frozen. No, I suppose it does not look exactly like him, but close enough for the 4-year-old to proclaim it was Olaf, and that's enough for me.

That's Olaf off to the left of the stairs of our cabin.

I just read some SHOCKING news. It seems that Judge Judy in NOT on the Supreme Court. Say it ain't so! That is one of the mistaken beliefs held by 1 in 10 American college graduates. Who is the president of the Senate? If you don't know, or want to see what else these graduates believe, check out the article.

I just read some much-less-shocking news. There is another new flavor of Oreos. Cinnamon Bun Oreos. Interested? I will probably not try them, but don't let me discourage you.

Does reading about these cookies make you hungry? How about some yummy artisanal spam? Is your mouth watering yet? Sorry, but this is not the kind of spam you eat. It is a new trend in sending junk emails that get past email filters.

As I write this, I am listening to a couple of songs from Graham Nash's new album on youtube. In between songs (it is a live session), he is talking about the story behind one of his famous songs. He was walking with Joni Mitchell one day in LA, and they passed an antique store on the way back to her car. They went in and she saw a vase that she liked and bought. It was a 'great, drizzly Los Angeles mornings that sometimes happens'. They went back to her house and and Graham said, "Hey, why don't I light a fire and you put some flowers in that vase you just bought?" He then sat down and wrote Our House in about 90 minutes.

And yesterday, I looked back over an old article about songs that apparently don't mean what people thought. One of them was the Beatles tune Blackbird, which is actually about civil rights and black rights in the 60s. OK, I could see that. Sorry, I did not save the link.

We were sitting at home last night when I heard someone say 'carry on' on television. I asked MBH to send me an email with those words in the subject because I immediately had the idea for this comic. So, you can rest assured that this is not an old, dead idea I saw laying beside the road. This is fresh stuff.

How are you reading this blog? At home on your personal network? In a coffee shop on a public network? At work on the corporate network? Did you enter a password to connect? Is there a password on your computer? Are you on your phone and does it have a password? I just looked over the list of the 25 worst passwords. 'baseball', 'football', 'monkey' are among the losers. Check our the list and make sure you have moved beyond these. Luckily, I have.

I am in big-time pain, so waiting another 30 hours to get a root canal is going to seem like forever. Enough whining. Let's get Wednesday underway.

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