Wednesday, October 07, 2015

One Direction to Kennedy Conspiracy to Air Hockey

If someone asked you which college is the hardest to get into in your state, would you know? I wouldn't. That is, until now. Business Insider has determined which is most difficult by state. Harvard should not surprise you. Northwest Nazarene University might. Check out the full list here.

What is the most 'instagrammed' spot in each state? If you guessed Grand Canyon for AZ, you would be correct. If you guessed Bourbon Street in LA, you get a second gold star. Yellowstone Park in WY is another obvious choice. Vegas Strip in NV? Yup. Kansas State University is a little less obvious. Remember, though, that is placed tagged in Instagram, not necessarily the most popular spot in the state.

Yes, I did have a lot of Beatles albums back in the day. Yes, I have even more of their music now in digital form. So, do I need any newer versions of anything. My first reaction is no, but Apple Music is asking me to rethink that decision. They have a new version of the hits album '1' coming out called '1+'. They think I will want it because "the music is offered in a 'new stereo' and 5.1 surround (two separate things)." I will reserve judgement for now.

Did Lee Harvey Oswald kill President John F. Kennedy? That is still a strong possibility. Did the CIA know more about plots and the situation than they told the Warren Commission and the public? I am sure they did. And as of today, I KNOW that they did, because the CIA has declassified some information that the then-director led a 'benign' cover-up. Read this story to learn more.

Remember that we kept the GRANDS last weekend. Our oldest GRAND put me onto this clever video of the final scene from Star Wars: Episode IV A Lost Hope (or as I call it, the original Star Wars movie) as it would be without the famous John Williams music. They did add in some sound effects like a Wookiee scream. It's only a few minutes long, so check it out.

She also told me about this hilarious video of One Direction singing Story of My Life. It is dubbed with really bad singers and it also hilarious.

Last weekend with the GRANDS, after mini-golf, we went inside for a few video games. One of them that I had never seen was called Pac-Man Smash. It is a typical air hockey games, but with a twist. The first photo below shows the table and the scoreboard. See those colored discs on either side of the board?

Well, during the game, they are periodically released and, suddenly, instead of hitting the single large disc around, you have a couple dozen of these smaller discs and it is pandemonium. You can see them below. We played it more than once.

Let's add an extra touch of sweetness to today's blog post before we go our separate ways.

And now, let's go our separate ways. I'm sure we'll have another chance to get together soon. Maybe tomorrow?

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