Wednesday, August 05, 2015

When You Say Oxy, Do You Mean Like Oxyclean....?

On the road back behind our hotel, there was a lovely field of flowers just calling my name. As eerie as that was, I ignored them and went to take some photos. Here is a shot of the field.

I was using my 300mm lens so I could get a nice blurry background. Here I focused on a bee. I was trying to catch him landing or taking off, but that is a challenge. Sometimes, the wind was moving the flower. Or maybe I thought he was taking off and snapped, only to have him then take off before the camera was ready again.

Not all of the flowers in this field were yellow, though. Here, I focused in on the occasional purple flowers hiding in the sea of yellow.

Did you hear the new Snow and Ice Dance song Beijing is using to tout winning the 2022 Winter Olympics? It does indeed sound a lot like a song from a current Disney movie. Disney will probably either fight it really hard, or Let It Go.

Hey, how are you doing financially? Struggling like most of us? I guess one person decided they were tired of living day-to-day and decided to ask people to give money towards making them a millionaire. Will you contribute to Enough people have chosen to that the person (we don't know if it is a man or a woman) already has $12,000. Amazing. I wish I had thought of that.

Whole Foods sells Asparagus Water. Or maybe I should say they sold Asparagus Water. Or maybe I should say they sold water with asparagus in it. Look, just read the story here. It is kinda funny.

I'd like two bean-and-cheese burritos and a bag of meth, please. Oh, and three packets of mild sauce for the burritos. No sauce for the meth. Thanks.

Wow, not much luck in gathering stories from the interweb. Let's see who's batting cleanup today. OK, I found a chart I had saved that I do not think I have shared yet showing where NFL fans live relative to the team they support. You can view it interactively here. Hint: Cowboys fans are NOT only in the region of North Texas.

And the next couple of Bible stories from kids:
David was a Hebrew king skilled at playing the liar. He fought with the Finklesteins, a race of people who lived in Biblical times. Solomon, one of David's sons, had 300 wives and 700 porcupines.

Jesus enunciated the Golden Rule, which says to do one to others before they do one to you. He also explained, "Man doth not live by sweat alone."

Of course, we also have time to share a today's Clarity of Vision. No, I did not take too much cough medicine last night. I came across an old comic using the same 'crack' joke, but focusing more on Schwarzenegger as CA governor. In updating it, the drug references stayed, but Arnold is now old news.

It's "high" time I closed off today's blog post. It started with a link to the Taco Bell with a meth lab inside and now, a drug-reference-filled comic. This is all quite uncharacteristic of me. I am sure tomorrow, this will all be behind us and the more normal low-brow humor will be back.

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