Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Getting Personal(ized)

Yesterday, we saw the table with sand bottles on it. Today, we look at a tastier table with water and cookies on it. The pennants spelled out the date of the wedding, but the round symbols separating the date fields depict sand dollars. Cleverly, the cookies on the right side of are Snickerdoodles with almond slivers depicting the slits on the top of the sand dollars. Yup, personalized cookies!

But wait! There's more. Here is a closer look at the water bottles. They have a personalized message on them.

And later, we got ice cream...IN PERSONALIZED CUPS. It was total madness, I say.

It was first introduced in 1937 and gained popularity worldwide after its use during World War II. It became variously referred to as "ham that didn't pass its physical," "meatloaf without basic training", and "Special Army Meat". In 2007, the seven billionth can was sold. Pastor Banta used to claim that he really liked it. By now, I'm sure you figured out that I am talking about Spam. Learn more about it here.

Who among you likes Dr. Pepper? Did you know it was invented in Waco, TX over 150 years ago? Did I hear some of you snickering that "Yeah. It tastes like it"? Anyway, would it then surprise you that that beverage is the most iconic soft drink of Texas? Which drink do you think would be iconic for your state? You can find out by checking out this link.

Yes, I do watch the news almost every night. How about you? I also scan several news sites in building my blog post each day. Even so, I was a bit surprised at my score in this News IQ Quiz from Pew Research. Why don't you try it and see how much you know about current topics?

Take a look at this next graphic. What caught my eye was not the revelation that Catalina Island could sink in the next 3 million years, but the oddness of the inset image. I think the small map is supposed to show where the larger image is with regard to the coastline. However, the small diagram shows a five-sided area and the big one only has four sides. Why didn't they just show the actual part that is blown up?

Toy Story meets The Shining. Curious. You can see the panels depicting Woody as Jack and many other characters placed into scenes from the film here.

In a nod to the "useless gadgets that no one needs but you might want", I think Twinkie Maker is a prime candidate. True, reviews are mixed, but homemade Twinkies? Gotta love 'em.

I am already behind my personal timeline for today's post, so I am choosing to go with a Classic CoV for today. I do have a couple of new ideas percolating, but I am not sure how to present them yet.

Speaking of CoV ideas, Rent-A-Chicken sounds like something I would make up, but amazingly, it is a real thing. You would have the freshest eggs around, though.

As I mentioned above, I have to finish a couple of things for today's 1pm meeting before I start my three morning meetings. Aren't I popular? Have a Wonderful Wednesday.

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