Monday, April 14, 2014

Showing Their Bear Backsides? Shocking!

I am writing this on Monday morning, so I do not have a television set on. However, last night, as we loaded up photos from the weekend, we did watch the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Shocking. More on that later.

We had a busy but fun weekend. How about you? I cannot tell you where we went or I'd have to ... Well, I think you can finish that sentence.

And of course, if I couldn't tell you where we went, you know I cannot tell you what we saw there.

Whatever it was, though, we did get up close and personal with them.

You know what I read today about The average user has to go through 75 pages of online questions to sign up. Wow, that's a lot. Just clicking through that many pages would take a while, never mind that each page probably has 10+ questions. Have any of you done this?

We hit Chili's for lunch yesterday. I had a black bean burger, but no bun since they only had their signature potato buns (made with white flour). We got into some kind of employment-related discussion and Dad came up with today's CoV topic.

I certainly cannot see any problem with this headline I saw on drudgereport this morning. Can you?

I saw that Jerry Lewis is only just now leaving his foot- and handprints on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. That surprises me since I remember him being a big star many decades ago. And of course, for years, he was the face of the MD Telethon every Labor Day. I also saw he has lost a lot of weight, so they must have taken him off of some of the medications that were causing him to get really big.

I saw this cool banner online depicting the (unofficial) colors of each House in Game of Thrones. I thought it was kind of cool looking. Don't have any idea what I am talking about? Then even this fairly complete Wikipedia page won't help. However, last nights episode, The Lion and the Rose, was especially good. Maybe we will talk about it someday.

Today is the day Lincoln was shot in 1865. Ah yes, I remember it like it was yesterday. Just kidding, I wasn't born until a few years later. Anyway, this Yahoo article reminds us what a complicated assassination scheme Booth had envisioned. It also reminds me of the old joke, "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?".

Remind me to tell you about the Seder meal we are participating in tonight. MBH has been before, but this will be my first. Can I eat anything there? I'll let you know.

And with that, Monday is ready to start. I will get out of the way and let it take off. See you soon.

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