Friday, January 24, 2014

Almost Through Another Week

I heard on the news this morning that there is snow as far south as New Orleans. That is crazy. That means that there must be snow up in the Shreveport area. Can any of you vouch for that? CPA Cuz, how about it? Is the weather making it bad news up in your neck of the woods?

How about today's photos? Oh, you noticed there were not any? Yeah, I have no excuse other than just getting distracted last night and not searching for new ones to share. That's ironic since I wrote yesterday about needing to clean up the photo widgets over there to the right of this post.

Do you think today's kids are really going to buy shoes with Yellow Submarine art on them? I have my doubts.

Here's the secret tricks grocery stores use to have us buy and spend more. Now that you know about them, though, will it make any difference in how you shop? Yeah, me neither.

Well, I can remind you about a classic Clarity of Vision first unveiled on June 23rd of 2009. It uses the time-tested method of saying verbiage which sounds like you mean one thing before revealing you were talking about something unexpected. Here, read it for yourself.

It is GNAW this evening. Can you believe it? It has been a while, right? Oh, you don't know what I am talking about? Game Night At the Walkers. Whoo hoo. I have a new game that the girls can play with me where one player tries to keep the others from driving off the edge by extending roads, and the others want to exit quickly so they win. No, I cannot remember the name right now.

And with that, we call it a day. Not entirely, though, since I still have a whole workday ahead of me, but from the standpoint of the blog, buh-dee-uh, buh-dee-uh, that's all, folks.

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