Friday, November 22, 2013

Check Out the Farkling Snow

Let's start today with the power outage in Ouray back in October. We left the restaurant and went back to our cabin. Dad and I decided to play a little Farkle.

Speaking of the power outage, it did not stop the snow. Check out how heavily it was coming down.

The next morning, all was right with the world. Check out how the snow brings out the colors.

Speaking of color, check out how colorful the CoV was back in April of 2009. Well, by colorful, I mean lovely blues and grays and no faces.

Speaking of colorful, check out this cool concept motorcycle from Kawasaki. It is like a Transformer come to life. It kind of makes me miss the old motorcycling days of my youth.

Speaking of days of my youth, today is the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. I remember that (a) one of my buddies was at the airport to see him arrive, (b) a luau we had planned for that afternoon at school got cancelled, and (c) they let us out of school soon after the announcement that the President was dead. Was his death part of some conspiracy? I think that is likely, but as I heard on a news program last night, it does seem that some evidence would have leaked out at some point since then if there were. We'll never know.

Speaking of conspiracy, there must be some collusion between our company and the firm hired to move people between cubicles and buildings. I have heard it costs $300 for each move and I know that several hundred are being moved today and this weekend. I am scheduled to move today at noon.

It is a rainy, gloomy day outside. I wonder if that is why it is still quiet in the office. Probably that plus the fact that it is Friday. I still have to pack my boxes for the move, so I need to drop y'all off here at the curb. Have a great weekend and check back in on Monday.

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