Sunday, January 28, 2007

First Library Visit

Well, we took Bella for her first visit to the Tempe Library (I think). Our kids practically grew up there. Well, we'd sometimes let them come home to change clothes, but otherwise, we left them there. No, I guess we'd also occasionally take them to the Dobson Ranch Library because they used to enjoy playing at the playground outside.

Anyway, before you ask, she is indeed laughing and not crying. No, she saved the crying for waking up with Pops in the room. Both last visit and this one, when she wakes in the morning and Nana goes for coffee or a shower, Bella cries constantly until she returns. Maybe I look different without glasses on? Maybe I'm just a scary dude? After showering and with glasses and clothes on, she seems to recognize me as Pops. I'm glad.


As an aside, whew! What a couple of weeks it has been. We converted an additional 9000 employees from the old US Airways to the new US Airways payroll system. We had a few problems and it took 12 days to fix them. We had to hurry because they get paid again starting Monday. So, many of us spent many hours working on what we needed to fix and how to accomplish it. Luckily, the team is very dedicated and they got there.


Brenda Walker said...

The library here is just a short walk from our house so I am looking forward to taking Emily there. I am afraid without my glasses on I won't even be able to see where the baby is.

Caleb said...

The library is a good place.

The Grandparents said...

Hey, Ran! We got home last night. No mishaps, and had a good visit there. The session with the men of Keith's church seems to have gone really well. We're fine.
See you at Chorale tonight. Love ya!

Auntie Eisel said...

Awwww, how sweet. :) Libraries are fine. I like to get books (but only certain ones mind you) and then take them home to read them instead of just hanging out there. But I guess I'll let y'all do that if you want! :D

Aaron, Kara, Walker, Sophie June, and Ford said...

What a cutie!