Friday, July 21, 2006

Memories In Color

When I am playing on the computer, I am usually trying things in Photoshop Elements. Here's a flower from a garden in Scotland. I forgot my camera last night when we ate over at K&L's place, so no Bella shots to release.

Hey, did y'all here we reached 118 today? It is in the top 10 of all time for PHX. Yeah, it is a dry heat, but that's still a lot of heat.


Alison said...

Yuck on the weather!

Lindsay Ward said...

I'm sick of all this dry heat talk. Is it wet heat here in Dallas? Because it hasn't rained in ages!

Katie80 said...

I here'd that it was hot, I didn't know it was top 10.
It is wet heat in San Antonio, that's for sure. But right now we're actually getting some flash flooding, kind of a nice change.